Interested to know Where/how you think a figure like Bad Bunny fits into this picture!?

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From my sense, Bad Bunny comes close to being a cultural figure from pop music who's central in global culture, but it's hard for me to gage bc I'm not physically/socially in Latin America. My guess(??) is that he's similar-ish to The Weeknd in that he streams HUGE, is extremely famous, and yet not really analogous to say Michael Jackson or Britney Spears in terms of cultural ubuiquity or dominance writ large

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where do you think counterculture fits into all of this? poptimism has been so dominant in the past few years that i've been wondering if we'll get something like the early-2000s emo subculture emerging soon.

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Have you read Sonic Technologies by Robert Strachan? It has a really good overview of this shift in pop towards not developing artists. I used it a lot in my MA thesis…

anyways also i did a kinda shitty opinion column i did for sound on sound why i love column


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And Addison Rae blew them a new bubble (literally and figureatively) 💋

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well! kinda sorta!

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